The facilitator of the meeting is not the leader in the meeting because these are two different and conflicting roles.
The facilitator does not have a vested interest in the topics of the meeting.
The facilitator does not have a stake in the decisions being made in the meeting.
The facilitator is an unbiased member of the meeting.
The facilitator has no internal political affiliations that would influence the direction of the meeting.
The facilitator is familiar with the 100+ strategic thinking tools and is able to select those which are most appropriate for the topics being discussed.
The facilitator is comfortable with professionally but firmly cutting off people who are monopolizing the meeting time with serial monologues.
The facilitator has developed a Strategy Survey to have the team complete prior to the session to gather input, stimulate thinking, and maximize face time.
The meeting outcomes have been identified prior to the session in the agenda.
The processes needed to reach the meeting outcomes have been identified.
The decision rights for the topics being discussed have been agreed upon.
The meeting attendees have been carefully chosen to only include people whose interaction is required on the topics.
The meeting has been organized around topics and questions for conversation, not a series of presentations.
The facilitator is a proven expert in strategy and the process of strategic thinking.
The facilitator is capable of challenging the leader’s perspectives during the session.
Past strategy sessions have produced clear and concise strategic direction.
Past strategy sessions have been an effective and efficient use of people’s time.
Past strategy sessions have helped the team clarify what they are not going to do or spend time on in the future.
Past strategy sessions have helped the team improve their strategic thinking and planning capabilities (knowledge & skills).
Past strategy sessions have increased the team’s confidence, excitement, and engagement in the strategies.