Is there a universal definition and consistent understanding of strategy throughout your company?
Do the majority of managers understand the difference between goals, objectives, strategies and tactics?
Have all managers been educated on what it means to think strategically and provided with practical tools to do so?
Does your group have clear strategies in written form for each of their goals?
Are managers at all levels using goals and strategies to drive their daily activities?
Do the majority of managers understand the company's business model?
Is the company's strategy translated for relevance to each person's specific work?
Does your group have a clear understanding of which types of potential customers you've chosen not to serve?
Do your products/services provide clearly differentiated value for which customers are willing to pay a premium?
Is your group effective at combining both strategy and innovation into new initiatives?
Is time set aside on a regular basis throughout the year to think about and discuss strategy with your colleagues?
Does your group have an effective strategy development process in place?
Do you have a 1-2 page strategic action plan to drive your daily activities?
Is your strategic action plan updated at least monthly to reflect changes and remain useful throughout the year?
Is your team clear on decision rights and accountability for the most common decisions?
Has your group clearly identified their core competencies and capabilities and used them to create competitive advantage?
Does your group have a clearly defined value proposition and fully understand the value chain activities required to deliver it?
Does the organization have a two-way communication channel in place to receive and deliver insights from all employees about the market, customers and competitors?
Are the different functional groups in your company (marketing, sales, HR, IT, R&D, etc.) all aware of each other's strategies and how they align?
Do the majority of managers reallocate resources throughout the year from underperforming initiatives to areas with greater promise?