For the person you are evaluating (self, other), please check the box next to each statement you agree with:


  1. Comes up with insights that add value to the business
  2. Records insights on a regular basis
  3. Reviews their log of insights on a periodic basis
  4. Schedules time for individual thinking on a regular basis
  5. Schedules time for group thinking on a regular basis
  6. Uses at least three strategic thinking tools to generate insights
  7. Actively creates new value for customers (internal or external)
  8. Asks "What's the insight?" after meetings, teleconferences and work activities to build a repository of learning's
  9. Asks penetrating questions several layers deep to understand the core issues of the business regarding their work
  10. Uses individual and group strategic thinking time effectively by employing questions, frameworks and tools to generate and capture insights
  11. Allocation

  12. Doesn't react with a firefighting mentality to urgent but unimportant issues
  13. Tracks where their resources (time, talent, budget) are actually being used and continually adjusts to stay on strategy
  14. Effectively prioritizes the most important activities and delegates or eliminates others
  15. Defines goals and strategies for achieving them instead of being solely opportunistic
  16. Stops investing their resources (time, talent, budget) into activities, meetings, projects, reports or tactics that they determine no longer add value
  17. Chooses which potential customers not to serve
  18. Chooses what to not offer to customers
  19. Makes trade-offs and decisions that are in the best interest of the business but aren't designed to please everyone
  20. Increases productivity over time by investing more of their resources in strategically valuable initiatives and fewer resources in non-value add activities
  21. Understands what comprises competitive advantage and how they contribute to it
  22. Action

  23. Understands and can articulate the difference between goals, objectives, strategies and tactics
  24. Writes their strategy down
  25. Uses strategy to drive their daily activities
  26. Translates the corporate strategy to what it means to their work
  27. Professionally pushes back when they receive goals, objectives or strategies from others that don't technically fit the respective definitions
  28. Understands the organization's current purpose (mission), future purpose (vision) and beliefs (values)
  29. Communicates their strategy in a concise and easily understood format
  30. Summarizes their insights and strategic action plan in 1-2 pages
  31. Updates their strategic plan at least monthly to keep it relevant
  32. Communicates the 'why' of their strategies
  33. Overall

  34. Contributes to profitability
  35. Doesn't blame external circumstances for poor performance
  36. Sees the big picture of the business and how their role contributes
  37. Includes other relevant people in their strategy development to explore all options and build buy-in
  38. Contributes to a culture that welcomes courteous debate and allows for differing opinions
  39. Approaches strategy as an ongoing dialogue instead of just an annual two-day event
  40. Proactively proposes at least three alternative solutions when bringing up problems
  41. Listens to new or dissenting information and shows the mental agility to change course when it's warranted
  42. Proactively assesses the business context (situation) to gauge and adapt to changes before they miss opportunities or allow threats to occur
  43. Elevates their thinking out of the tactical, day-to-day weeds to regain their bearings and ensure their work is adding value to the strategy